Partager la publication "Forza Horizon 3 : Welcome Australia! Road, off-road, beach & motorsport fun! Présentation E3 & Gamescom"
Microsoft vient de terminer sa conférence #E32016. On savait que la LP 770-4 était la voiture Hero-car depuis quelques mois ! On entendais dire que ça allait se passer en Australie ! Avec Forza Motorsport 6: APEX, on se doutait que Forza Horizon 3 sera prévue pour Xbox One et Windows 10. Et bien oui tout ça était couru d’avance ! Mais ce que l’on ne savait pas, c’est que le jeu allait être aussi beau et fun, en solo, en co-op, en multiplayer cross platform Xbox One & Windows 10 !? (à confirmer) Le Trailer présente des passages jour/nuit, du hors piste, des hélicoptères genre TrackMania Turbo, des sauts #Doonies, entre autres ! Le tout avec un rendu visuel absolument bluffant de réalisme ! Et déjà en voitures, il y a Audi R8, LaFerrari FXXCK!?, Nissan GT-R, BMW M4, et des véhicules 4×4 genre Monster Energy, ou encore Ariel Nomad et autres types Buggy !
Forza Horizon 3 Official E3 Trailer
Forza Horizon 3 Official E3 Trailer – In Forza Horizon 3, you’re in charge of the Horizon Festival. Customize everything, hire and fire your friends, and explore Australia in over 350 of the world’s greatest cars, including the debut of the 2017 Lamborghini Centenario. Make your Horizon the ultimate celebration of cars, music, and freedom of the open road. How you get there is up to you.
Forza Horizon 3 sur les routes de l’Australie
L’Australie qui accueillera l’Horizon Festival pour ce Forza Horizon 3.
Et puisque c’est l’une des régions avec des environnents des plus variées, cela en fait le terrain de jeu idéal pour un jeu de course en monde (ciel) ouvert.
Le studio de développement a souhaité reproduire à l’identique le ciel australien, que ce soit au niveau des couleurs ou de la formation des nuages, afin d’offrir aux joueurs une réelle immersion. Ainsi, grâce à des milliers de photos, ils ont pu réaliser un timelapse de 24 heures du vrai ciel australien. Vous ne profiterez donc pas seulement des incroyables paysages australiens, mais vous aurez également le plaisir d’en découdre sous d’authentiques nuages du pays des kangourous.
Avec une carte deux fois plus grande que celle de Forza Horizon 2, il s’agit tout du titre disposant de la map la plus grande et la plus diversifiée de la série Forza, offrant ainsi une expérience de jeu encore jamais vue dans les précédents jeux grâce à d’innombrables types pistes : road, off-road, dirt road, wet road, beach, jungle, city road.
350 véhicules ForzaVista Horizon 3
Dans Forza Horizon 3, vous pourrez prendre le volant de plus de 350 véhicules, dont certains encore jamais aperçus dans un Forza, à commencer par la Lamborghini Centenario déjà présentée comme la « Hero Car » et qui se retrouve donc sur la jaquette du jeu, accompagnée du tout nouveau Ford Raptor. On retrouves des bolides autres tous aussi variés que le monde qui les entoure, comme l’Ariel Nomad, des buggys à l’image du Penhall Cholla, des véhicules tout-terrain et bien d’autres encore. (à suivre…)
Forza Horizon 3 propose plus de 350 voitures disponibles à son lancement !
==> Forza Horizon 3 : pré-liste des véhicules, voitures, supercars par constructeurs +packs +Images
Et pour vous assurer qu’il sera unique, vous aurez la possibilité de le personnaliser avec de nombreuses pièces, dont certaines tirées du monde du rallye ou du tout-terrain. Il y aura également plus de trente modèles de jantes et, pour parfaire le tout, les livrées et les réglages seront eux aussi de la partie.
Et pour la première fois, des kits « larges » seront proposés by Rocket Bunny & Liberty Walk (les vrais équipementier genre ‘Specialty Equipment Market Association’ comme dans NFS :D), histoire de donner encore un peu plus de caractère à notre auto.
Forza Horizon 3, comme ses prédécesseurs, fera la part belle aux créateurs, des peintres aux mécanicien/ingénieur/team adapte de réglages en passant par les photographes. C’est pourquoi le jeu proposera une salle des ventes dans laquelle les joueurs pourront acheter et vendre leurs voitures, leurs réglages et leurs peintures. Chaque pilote disposera aussi d’une vitrine pour exposer ses créations, et il sera même possible de s’abonner à la vitrine de vos joueurs préférés.
Le boss du Festival !
Si dans les précédents FH, vous n’étiez qu’un simple participant de l’Horizon Festival, dans Forza Horizon 3, vous en êtes le boss !
Il vous faudra prendre des décisions qui influeront directement sur le déroulement du festival, comme choisir où et quand se dérouleront les épreuves, ou encore la musique diffusée. Le but étant de gagner de plus en plus de fans jusqu’à faire de votre festival le plus populaire au monde.
Côté jeu, cela vous permet surtout de vivre une expérience à votre image et, grâce à une nouvelle fonctionnalité appelée « Horizon Blueprint », de créer votre propre gameplay et de la partager avec vos amis.
Vous pouvez ainsi choisir n’importe laquelle des centaines d’épreuves pré-conçues dans Forza Horizon 3 et les customiser avec les paramètres de votre choix : modifier l’itinéraire d’un évent en particulier, la période de la journée ou les conditions climatiques, les voitures éligibles, les restrictions pour participer à l’évènement, et bien plus encore. En plus d’un poster personnalisé, vous aurez même la possibilité de donner un nom à votre ‘event’ afin de vous assurer que vos amis le retrouveront facilement.
Pour ce qui est de l’histoire en elle-même, il vous faudra donc attirer le plus de fans possible dans votre festival.
Pour cela, vous devrez trouver les meilleurs pilotes disponibles pour vous donner un coup de main. Et c’est là que les fameux Drivatars entrent en jeu puisque vous pourrez engager (ou virer) les avatars virtuels de vos contact amis Xbox Live, afin de faire le plein de récompenses.
Social Racing Network
Forza Horizon 3 sera le jeu de course le plus connecté et le plus social de tous les temps.
Tout d’abord parce qu’il s’agit d’un titre du programme ‘Xbox Play Anywhere’, le premier de la série Forza. Ainsi, en optant pour une version digitale d’Horizon 3, vous pourrez y jouer aussi bien sur Xbox One que sur Windows 10.
Vous pourrez commencer votre partie sur un support, la sauvegarder, puis la continuer sur une autre plateforme. Et grâce au Xbox Live, vous pourrez jouer avec vos amis peu importe s’ils sont sur Xbox ou sur PC. Et tout cela sera aussi valable dans le mode Solo puisque la campagne pourra être jouée en co-op jusqu’à quatre joueurs !
Choisissez une station de radio parmi les 8 disponibles ou créez la vôtre avec vos morceaux préférés avec Groove Musique ou vos musiques hébergés via One Drive.
Sur Xbox One & Windows 10 en septembre 2016
Forza Horizon 3 sera disponible le 27 septembre 2016 partout dans le Monde pour les versions Deluxe et Standard, et le 23 septembre en accès anticipé pour la version Ultimate.
Et puisqu’il s’agit d’un titre ‘Xbox Play Anywhere’, la version Xbox One vous donnera gratuitement accès à la version Windows 10, et vice-versa.
Forza Horizon 3 E3 Trailer World Debut and Onstage Demo
The Forza Horizon 3 E3 segment brings you the world premier trailer and an onstage demo featuring 4-player co-op and Windows 10 cross play. In Forza Horizon 3, you’re in charge of the Horizon Festival. Customize everything, hire and fire your friends, and explore Australia in over 350 of the world’s greatest cars, including the debut of the 2017 Lamborghini Centenario.
English full story & summary
Forza Horizon 3 Announcement
‘Today on stage at E3 2016 in Los Angeles, we unveiled the next great chapter in the world of Forza – Forza Horizon 3! The upcoming open-world racing game from the team at Playground Games finds players heading to a brand new locale and, for the very first time, taking charge of the Horizon Festival.’
‘In this story, we’re going to break down all of the features that we’re showing at E3 this year to prepare you for the launch of Forza Horizon 3 on Xbox One and Windows 10 on September 27! Buckle in, friends, because we’re heading to Australia!’ – Turn10 Studios / Playground Games
The Land Down Under
In Forza Horizon 3, Australia is the home of the Horizon Festival.
As one of the most beautiful and varied countries in the world, Australia makes the perfect setting for Forza Horizon 3 and the team at Playground has translated the Land Down Under into the largest and most diverse open world ever seen in the Forza Horizon series.
Just like the real place, the Australia of Forza Horizon 3 is absolutely massive – in fact, it’s is twice as big as Forza Horizon 2’s map. More importantly, Forza Horizon 3’s vision of Australia captures the spectacular natural beauty, the tremendous diversity, and the environmental variety that makes the country one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.
#E32016 #XboxE3 #ForzaHorizon3 Welcome Australia!
— selectstarter (@selectstarter) 13 juin 2016
Australia’s natural beauty abounds in Forza Horizon 3.
From exploring bioluminescent caves that look like something out of a science fiction movie, to skipping across the beach and skimming the ocean surf as you speed past the famed “Twelve Apostles” limestone stacks, there are driving experiences in Forza Horizon 3 that players have never seen before in a Horizon game.
Forza Horizon 3 is packed full of incredible diversity. There’s the famed dusty Outback that will be a test of any car’s abilities; blasting through the dense and lush rainforests; testing your driving skills on city streets – the unique driving experiences in Forza Horizon 3 seemingly never end.
Your Forza Garage: 350 cars
#E32016 #XboxE3 #ForzaHorizon3 Audi R8 vs LaFerrari vs Koenigsegg
— selectstarter (@selectstarter) 13 juin 2016
You’ll explore Australia in more than 350 amazing cars including incredible models never before seen in Forza, like the stunning new Lamborghini Centenario which was just revealed at the Geneva Autoshow in March and our co-cover car, the brand new Ford Raptor.
#E32016 #XboxE3 #ForzaHorizon3 Centenario LP 770-4
— selectstarter (@selectstarter) 13 juin 2016
#E32016 #XboxE3 #Forzahorizon3 Monster 4×4!?
— selectstarter (@selectstarter) 13 juin 2016
Alongside Forza favorites, including a new selection of Barn Finds, we’re bringing entirely new vehicle types into the game, all inspired by the diverse world you’ll be exploring. Examples include the Ariel Nomad, Class 10 buggies like the Penhall Cholla, and extreme off-roaders like B.J. Baldwin’s Trophy Truck, and many more.
#E32016 #XboxE3 #Forzahorizon3 inspiration Art Direction #TrackManiaTURBO !!! w/ gaming racing real makers Cars ! 😀
— selectstarter (@selectstarter) 13 juin 2016
Stay tuned for the full list of cars in Forza Horizon 3 later this summer.
Choose from Over 350 of the World’s Greatest Cars recreated with ForzaVista detail including full cockpit views, working lights and wipers, and new vehicle types bringing all-new driving experiences never before seen in Forza.
Every Man’s Sky
Whether you’re playing on Xbox One or Windows 10, the world of Forza Horizon 3 is a constant visual delight, bringing you surprises around every bend.
The team at Playground have gone to extraordinary lengths to bring you the most visually impressive Forza Horizon game ever, using state-of-the-art technology. But perhaps the best example of Playground’s innovation can be found simply by… looking up.
There’s nothing like an Australian sky – big, bold, and beautiful, with dazzling varieties and subtleties in color and cloud formations. The team at Playground wanted to capture those unique Australian skies in all their glory. To do that, they’ve built a custom 12K HDR camera rig to capture the sky in incredibly precise photos – thousands of photos, in fact, creating a 24-hour timelapse video of the real Australian sky, projected onto the skydome in Forza Horizon 3. For players, it means that you’re not just surrounded by the intense natural glory of Australia, you’re also driving under authentic Australian skies.
You’re in Charge
In previous Forza Horizon games, you’ve been a participant in the world’s biggest cars and music festival.
In Forza Horizon 3, you’re the boss. That means you’ll be making the big decisions that affect the festival. From choosing when and where to expand the festival sites, all the way down to the music that is played and the events that take place – the decisions are up to you. Your goal is to win fans until your festival is the most popular in the world.
Now, simply casting you in the role of the “head of the Horizon Festival” is one thing. The real fun is found in the power that you will have in Forza Horizon 3, which sets this apart from any previous game in the series.
Simply put, you have the power to tailor every experience in the game to your own tastes. That’s done through a brand new feature we call Horizon Blueprint, which lets players create their own gameplay and instantly share it with friends.
Horizon Blueprint
With Blueprint, you can take any of the hundreds of pre-created events in Forza Horizon 3 and customize them to your exact specifications. That can include things like changing the route for a particular event, the time of day and weather conditions, the eligible cars, event restrictions, and more.
You can even give an event its own name, which is important because you’ll be able to share your event and see the events that all your friends have created automatically populated in your world. Those events will even have custom posters automatically generated based on the event type.
Should you choose to play any of your friends’ Blueprint events, you’ll earn the same rewards and the same fans that you’d earn for doing the “preset” event built into the game. Between prebuilt events, your own customized events, and those events that your friends dream up, Blueprint provides a virtually limitless stream of events and fun. But it doesn’t stop there.
Remember Bucket Lists – those lists of special challenges that every player should try before leaving the Horizon Festival? Blueprint works with them too.
Players can use the Bucket List Blueprint to create brand new challenges, using the same tools that the game designers use. Choose a challenge type, the car you wish to use (including its livery and tuning setup), set the conditions, choose the music, give it a name, and set the difficulty by completing the event yourself.
Then you can send that Bucket List Challenge to your friends as a direct challenge to see if they can top your score.
Hire and Fire Your Friends
While Horizon Blueprint is set to quite literally change the game in Forza Horizon 3, it’s only part of the story. Remember, as boss of the Horizon Festival, your goal is to earn fans.
That means attracting the best drivers available to join you and help bring more fans to the party. That’s where Drivatars come in. Drivatars have become a huge part of the Forza experience, and being able to drive with and against the Drivatars of your friends and acquaintances is a uniquely Forza experience. With Forza Horizon 3, we’re taking that one step further, giving you the opportunity to hire and fire your friends – or, more precisely, your friends’ Drivatars.
With the new Drivatar Lineup feature, you can hire a friend’s Drivatar just be finding them in the world and beating them in a race. Once you’ve got them onboard, you’ll earn rewards based on their performance in the Horizon Festival. With only a limited amount of slots available, you’ll only want to keep your highest-performing friends in your Festival – and you’ll be informed how things are progressing each time you log on to the game. If your friend isn’t getting the job done, let them go and look for another hot shoe to take their place.
Customize It
With 350 cars to choose from in Forza Horizon 3, players will be have no shortage of options when it comes to finding the car they love. But for those who love to customize, Forza Horizon 3 will be a gold mine.
We’ve got a wealth of new visual customizations for a huge number of cars in the game, including new off-road and rally parts, more than 30 new rim styles from manufacturers like Rotiform, Fifteen 52, and ADV.1 and, for the first time, widebody kits from industry leaders like Rocket Bunny and Liberty Walk. cc Need for Speed The SpeedHunters! 😀
And that’s in addition to the full slate of livery and tuning options that Forza fans have come to expect in the series.
Your Festival, Your Soundtrack
Naturally, music plays a huge role in the Horizon Festival and, as the boss, you’ll have say over that as well. For Forza Horizon 3, we want you to drive to the music you love. We started by adding more radio stations – featuring new music styles like hip hop, heavy rock and punk – alongside Horizon favorite stations like Bass Arena and Horizon Pulse.
Forza Horizon 3 will feature stations from labels like Hospital Records, Epitaph Records, and Vagrant Records, as well as the latest music from cutting-edge Australian label Future Classic. That’s more radio stations, covering a broader range of music, than ever before.
But that’s not all. In Forza Horizon 3, we can ensure that you are driving to the music that you love with the brand new Groove Radio station. Groove Radio lets players stream their own personal music collection from the cloud – just add your music to your OneDrive, create a playlist in ‘Groove Music’ on Windows 10, and Horizon 3 will stream that playlist into your game on Xbox One and Windows 10.
A Connected Adventure
Forza Horizon 3 will be the most connected, most social racing game ever. That starts with Forza Horizon 3 being the first Xbox Play Anywhere game in Forza history.
When you buy the digital version of Forza Horizon 3, you’ll be able to play the game on both Xbox One and on Windows 10.
You can play, save your progress at any time, and pick up on the other platform. Even better, with the power of Xbox Live, you’ll be able to seamlessly play with your friends regardless of whether they are playing on Xbox One or Windows 10.
We’re making the most of that cross-platform play with our four-player campaign co-op.
Everything that is in Forza Horizon 3’s solo campaign can be played with up to four players in cooperative mode.
Drop in our out at will; everything you’ve earned in a co-op session with friends will carry on with you once you go back to solo play. You never have to play the same content twice if you don’t want to and your time spent in co-op will always be time well spent.
Auction House, Storefronts & More
As we touched on earlier, Forza Horizon 3 will carry on the long tradition of Forza games being a home for creators. From painters and tuners to photographers and more, creativity is a cornerstone of the Forza community.
That’s why we’re so excited to be bringing the Auction House and Storefronts features to Forza Horizon 3. With the Auction House, players will be able to buy and sell cars between one another and the Auction House will act as a hub for fans to find the coolest cars, with striking paint jobs and fantastic tunes.
The Auction House will feature a new rating system for painters and tuners based on how many downloads, likes, and uses their creations have, so browsers can quickly identify the community’s top creators.
Storefront is the place where players can show off their latest creations – including liveries, tuning setups, photos, and custom vinyl creations. You can easily follow someone whose Storefront creations you like, and you’ll be informed each time they create something new.
Best of all, Auction House and Storefront features will work seamlessly across both Xbox One and Windows 10.
Between Xbox Play Anywhere functionality, four-player campaign co-op, Auction House and Storefront, as well as social features like 1000-player Car Clubs, Car Meets, seamless multiplayer with no lobbies, Playground games (including an all-new mode called Flag Rush), Rivals events, Online Free Roam and the new Online Adventure, Forza Horizon 3 is packed with amazing ways to enjoy some of the best cars in the world.
We're happy to announce #ForzaHorizon3, out later this year on September 27 exclusively on #XboxOne and #Windows10!
— Forza Motorsport (@ForzaMotorsport) 13 juin 2016
With Forza Horizon 3, we’re building an entirely new and different vision of the Horizon Festival, a place where you’re in charge.
For Ultimate Edition owners, early access to Forza Horizon 3 begins on September 23; the rest of the world will head out to the Festival on September 27.
Ensure your place at the party by purchasing Forza Horizon 3 now (see our full story on the different versions available for purchase) and also take a look at how we’ll be awarding long-time Forza players in Forza Horizon 3 with our Loyalty Rewards story. Look for more on Forza Horizon 3 here on and on Forza Hub throughout the summer!
Source et images :
Playground Games
Turn 10 Studios
==> Forza Horizon 3 : pré-liste des véhicules, voitures, supercars par constructeurs +packs +Images
MAJ Gamescom 2016
Forza Horizon 3 introduces weekly competitions in October
Forza Horizon 3 will include new weekly challenges dubbed Forzathon, Playground Games creative director Ralph Fulton told Polygon today at Gamescom.
The feature will include weekly, themed competitions where players can win prizes not available in other parts of the game. Challenges start in October, just after the game’s Sept. 27 launch on PC and Xbox One. Of note is the event Oct. 14, when players can win a Nissan Silvia S14, and an unannounced event Oct. 28-30. News on that event is still incoming, though Fulton said players will be able to win and drive a vehicle that « has never been drivable in Forza before, which you will not believe. » The Forzathon challenges are part of Playground Games’ commitment to players beyond the game’s launch date, Fulton said. « It’s not just about the game that we ship on day one, » Fulton said. « It’s about the game that we’re adding to. »
#ForzaHorizon3 #Gamescom Speaking to @Polygon, Ralph Fulton (Creative Director) revealed #Forzathon! Start le 28/10/2016 ! Via @TeamVVV
— selectstarter (@selectstarter) 17 août 2016
Partager la publication "Forza Horizon 3 : Welcome Australia! Road, off-road, beach & motorsport fun! Présentation E3 & Gamescom"