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Forza Motorsport 6 est l’un des jeu les plus attendue de la conférence Microsoft à l’E3 2015, surtout pour les passionnés automobiles comme nous ! Microsoft sera sur scène à 18h30 heure française, (Microsoft – 9:30 a.m. Pacific / 12:30 p.m. Eastern) et présentera donc le prochain Forza Motorsport ! Officiellement annoncé lors du Salon international de l’automobile de Detroit, le NAIAS 2015, Microsoft et Turn 10 Studios ont présenté la nouvelle Ford GT in Game, simultanément à la Ford GT In Real Life ; (re)voir l’article dédié Forza Motorsport 6 + Annonce vidéo NAIAS 2015 ; (re)voir l’article dédié à la Ford GT à Detroit, NAIAS 2015 ; (re)voir l’article dédié à la présentation design et moteur de la Ford GT Race Car Le Mans qui a même le logo Forza Motorsport apposé sur la livrée de course ! 15 juin 2015, avant la présentation, revenons sur le moteur du jeu dénommé Forzatech !
Forza Motorsport 6
Well, I'll see you all tomorrow! It's going to be a great day for gamers of all kind. See you then 🙂 #XboxE3 #E32015
— Alan Walsh (@BeetleComet) 14 Juin 2015
The engine Forza Motorsport 6
ForzaTech is the name of the in-house Forza game engine. A Microsoft representative told Gamespot that Forzatech is the ‘proprietary graphics and simulation engine for Forza, we’ll have more to share at E3.’ It looks like I was right saying that this is a type of technology for Forza Motorsport 6. Therefore, Forzatech is known as the in-house Forza game engine that will be used in the upcoming game. Interesting.
On April 2nd, Microsoft filed a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a game software known as Forzatech, however no additional information was given. It is clear though that this is for Microsoft’s racing simulator, Forza. It doesn’t sound like the name of a new entry into the franchise but a new technology or system such as ‘Drivatars’ that could be used in Forza Motorsport 6.
Microsoft already holds trademarks for Forza Hub which is an application on the Xbox One which offers Forza rewards, news, photos and statistics. Drivatar is also trademarked by Microsoft which is the companies Cloud Compute AI for Forza Motorsport 5 and Forza Horizon 2 which uses racing data from how you drive and how your friends drive to create a replica of your driving style which appears in other peoples races powered by Microsoft’s Azure. Forza Motorsport 6 will likely also use this technology.
Forzatech does sound like a new kind of cloud-based technology which Microsoft and Turn 10 Studios could be developing for Forza Motorsport 6. It’s also worth mentioning that studios like Turn 10 would have HoloLens development kits and could be working on a version of Forza for the holographic computing device. After all, Dan Greenawalt did promise that this year will be the best year of Forza to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the first Forza Motorsport. Greenawalt emphasized that fans have a lot to look forward to this year.
Microsoft has filed a new trademark application for something called « Forzatech, » though the company’s intentions for it are not immediately clear. The Xbox company filed for the trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office on April 2. It is listed as « game software, » and unfortunately, no further description is provided.
Given that Forza is featured in the name, it’s quite likely that ‘Forzatech’ is related to Microsoft’s major racing franchise. The name, however, doesn’t sound like something would call a game itself, but possibly a related service or technology.
Microsoft already holds trademarks for other non-game Forza products, one of which is Forza Hub, the name of the free Xbox app that collects news and information about the racing series. The company has also trademarked « Drivatar, » which is an artificial intelligence technology featured in recent Forza titles. The next Forza game is the upcoming Forza Motorsport 6 for Xbox One, though it’s unclear if Forzatech is in any way tied to that title.
We’ve contacted Microsoft asking for more information about the Forzatech trademark. Microsoft representative told GameSpot: ‘We can confirm that Microsoft has filed a trademark application for ForzaTech, which is Turn 10 Studios’ proprietary graphics and simulation engine for Forza. We’ll have more to share at E3.’
First sreen gameplay
The first picture of Forza Motorsport 6 gameplay has appeared. Note pos 2 of 24 players, and is this the new Ford GT?
— CQRclub (@CQRclub) 12 Juin 2015
Microsoft #E32015
More details are coming at E3 // Plus qu’attendre la conférence Microsoft à voir sur à 18h30 heure française, (Microsoft – 9:30 a.m. Pacific / 12:30 p.m. Eastern)
Follow news of Racing Video Games // Suivez le live via la page DESIGNMOTEUR dédiée : Racing Video Games Timeline !
Bonus : Xbox creates One-of-a-Kind controllers pour célébrer les victoires historiques de Ford at Le Mans
MAJ 19h10 (FR)
Forza Motorsport 6 – #E32015
Forza Motorsport 6 est annoncé pour le 15 septembre 2015.
Release date: 15th september 2015

Forza Motorsport 6

Forza Motorsport 6 – Ford GT

Forza Motorsport 6 – Ferrari engine
Forza Motorsport 6 E3 Gameplay Trailer
Experience unrelenting action in the most beautiful and comprehensive racing game of this generation, available exclusively on Xbox One beginning September 15th, 2015. Collect, customize, and race over 450 Forzavista cars, all with working cockpits, opening doors and full damage, including the all-new Ford GT. Compete in epic 24-player races across 26 world-famous locales. Master wet weather and night racing on your road to victory.
E3 2015: Forza Motorsport 6 Gameplay Impressions With Gameplay Footage
‘We were invited to a special Forza Motorsport 6 preview event and got to play the game before its official reveal at E3! Want to know what we think? Its all here, along with gameplay footage!’
– MotorWorldHype
MAJ 23h00 (FR)
Forza Motorsport 6 Cars
Forza Motorsport 6 will feature more than 450 cars for players to collect, customize and race on 26 world-famous locations and tracks. All cars in Forza Motorsport 6 will include full ForzaVista experiences, cockpits, working doors, and full damage. At E3 we are announcing more than 100 cars in Forza Motorsport 6. Stay tuned as we reveal more amazing cars on the Web site all throughout the summer.

Forza Motorsport 6 – Aston Martin race car

Forza Motorsport 6 – Pagani – onboard

Forza Motorsport 6 – Ferrari onboard

Forza Motorsport 6 – BMW M
Forza Motorsport 6 – List cars
Confirmed Cars via Turn10
The full list of cars in Forza Motorsport 6 #Infographic
Forza Motorsport 6 – Locations
Forza Motorsport 6 includes 26 world-famous locations including 10 newly built and captured tracks. In addition to all returning tracks from Forza Motorsport 5, at E3 2015, we’re announcing five new environments: Rio De Janeiro, Daytona, Watkins Glen, and Brands Hatch are completely new to Forza. Indianapolis was recaptured and rebuilt after extensive 2014 track renovations. Stay tuned for more Forza Motorsport 6 track announcements throughout the summer!
Confirmed Locations
Bernese Alps
Circuit de Catalunya
Circuit de Spa Francorchamps
Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Circuit des 24 Heures Du Mans (Le Mans)
Long Beach
Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
Mount Panorama Motor Racing Circuit (Bathurst)
Circuit de Prague
Road America
Road Atlanta
Sebring International Raceway
Test Track Airfield
Top Gear
Yas Marina Circuit
Brands Hatch
Watkins Glen
Rio de Janeiro
Daytona International Speedway
Présentation, IRL & In Game, des circuits de Forza Motorsport 6 +full List +Track Layouts +Images
under the hood / sous le capot
A world exclusive look at what’s under the hood of Turn 10’s new racing sim.
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Forza Motorsport 6: Getting dark and wet in a world-first hands-on
‘Microsoft made a big show of officially announcing Forza Motorsport 6 at its pre-E3 press conference this morning, but we here at Ars got our hands on the game days ago. Last week, Ars traveled to Redmond, Washington, to visit Creative Director Dan Greenawalt and his team at Turn 10 for an exclusive, world-first look under the hood of the latest iteration of this franchise. What we saw was nothing less than one would expect from a team with depth and breadth of experience, one that’s been in place since the franchise premiered on the original Xbox in 2005. What we saw made September 15—the game’s US release date—seem an awful long way away (other countries will have to wait even longer—Japan gets it on the 17th, with the rest of the world on the 18th).’
Microsoft a présenté officiellement Forza Motorsport 6 lors de sa conférence de presse pré-E3 ce matin (NDLR : aux USA, c’était ce matin), mais nous avons ici à Ars (NDLR : le team mis la main sur le jeu il y a quelques jours. La semaine dernière, Ars est allé à Redmond, Washington, pour rencontrer le directeur créatif, Dan Greenawalt, et son équipe de Turn 10 pour une demo en exclusivité, en première mondiale, montrer le jeu et ce qui se cache sous le capot de FM6. Ce que nous avons vu était rien de moins que ce l’on attend d’une équipe expérimenté, qui est présent depuis que la franchise a été créée sur la Xbox originale en 2005.
‘We knew a bit about the game before the trip. Thanks to a screw up at Microsoft Japan, we learned that FM6 will feature 450 cars, 26 tracks (including some new ones like Daytona and Rio), as well as night racing and wet weather. Turn 10 Studios has also bumped up the car count in each race; now grids are 24-deep, with no change to their core mantra of 1080p 60fps.’
Nous en savions déjà sur le jeu avant le voyage. cc Microsoft Japon, nous avons appris que FM6 proposera 450 voitures, 26 pistes (y compris quelques nouveaux lieux comme Daytona et Rio), ainsi que les courses de nuit et par temps de pluie. Turn 10 Studios a également augmenté le nombre de voiture à chaque course ; maintenant la grille de départ est de 24, et le reste à 60fps en 1080p.
‘With Forza Motorsport 5, the team at Turn 10 was still struggling to learn how to develop for new console hardware and rushing to finish development in time for launch. As such, Forza Motorsport 6 makes much fuller use of the Xbox One’s power, something studio head Alan Hartman attributed to a stable codebase for the rendering and physics engines. The new version also benefitted from the work of UK-based Playground Games, which brought us last year’s open-world Forza Horizon 2. That game featured dynamic day-to-night transitions and weather, but did so at the cost of frame rate. Those compromises are now gone, the product of « two great studios working with the same codebase,’ Hartman told Ars.’
Avec Forza Motorsport 5, le team Turn 10 avait encore du mal à apprendre à développer sur le nouveau hardware de la console et ont rushé pour terminer le développement à temps pour le lancement de la Xbox One. Ainsi, Forza Motorsport 6 fait utilise mieux la puissance de la Xbox One. Alan Hartman, de Turn 10, parle d’une base de code stable pour les moteurs de rendu et de physique. La nouvelle version a également bénéficié du travail du team Playground Games, basés au Royaume-Uni, qui a apporté un monde ouvert l’an dernier avec Forza Horizon 2. Ce jeu propose le cycle dynamiques jour-nuit et des conditions météorologiques, mais l’a fait au détriment du framerate. Ces compromis ont maintenant disparu, c’est le produit de ‘two great studios working with the same codebase’, a dit Alan Hartman à Ars.

Forza Motorsport 6 – night
Simulating the wet and the dark
The resolution and frame rate weren’t the only non-negotiable features. With FM6, Greenawalt and his team say they want to accurately deliver the feeling of driving on wet pavement. That’s something the Turn 10 team knows quite a lot about, given the weather in the Seattle area. As Alan Hartman put it: ‘Dan hates it when I say this, but we live in Seattle, we know what driving in rain and hydroplaning is like. So when we started getting it right and people would say, ‘Yep, this is it,’ it’s not just making the entire track 15 percent more slippery. It’s about picking your line, worrying about puddles, worrying, ‘Oh shit I just dragged the left side of the car through a puddle.’ When that stuff started coming into the build, it started clicking with people.’
60fps en 1080p ne sont pas les seuls éléments « non-négociables » à être présent. Avec FM6, Greenawalt et son équipe disent qu’ils veulent livrer avec précision la sensation de conduire sur une chaussée humide. Voilà quelque chose que l’équipe de Turn 10 sait beaucoup de choses sur, compte tenu de la météo dans la région de Seattle. Comme Alan Hartman a dit : ‘Dan déteste quand je dis cela, mais nous vivons à Seattle, nous connaissons la conduite en temps de pluie et l’aquaplaning. Donc, quand nous avons commencé à faire les choses et les gens diraient, ‘Yep, this is it,’ it’s not just making the entire track 15 percent more slippery. It’s about picking your line, worrying about puddles, worrying, ‘Oh shit I just dragged the left side of the car through a puddle.’ When that stuff started coming into the build, it started clicking with people.
This level of simulation required adding a new layer of complexity to the game’s engine. When FM5 was written for the Xbox One, Turn 10 adopted a new way of modeling. Out was the old reliance on mere polygons and textures, in came physically based materials, or PBMs. ‘We’re talking about the physics as well as rendering,’ Greenawalt said. ‘We learn things through the rendering side that affect physics and vice versa. For example, if we learn why a wet rumble strip is shiny visually, it tells us something about the physics,’ he said.

Forza Motorsport 6 – Pagani – track rain / circuit pluie
Ce niveau de simulation nécessitait l’ajout d’un new layer of complexity to the game’s engine. Lorsque FM5 a été écrit pour la Xbox One, Turn 10 a adopté une nouvelle façon de modélisation. Out was the old reliance on mere polygons and textures, in came physically based materials, ou PMPs.
‘We’re talking about the physics as well as rendering. We learn things through the rendering side that affect physics and vice versa. For example, if we learn why a wet rumble strip is shiny visually, it tells us something about the physics’– Greenawalt
This kind of simulation doesn’t only help with the game’s realism, but also streamlines the development of a game that was getting too unwieldy to tune by hand, Greenawalt said. ‘Teams have gotten more complex, games have gotten bigger, we’ve been able to do more,’ he told Ars. ‘The role of intuitive custom tuning or brute force doesn’t scale. The theme we found over and over again to fix things was physics, and it put it right in our wheel house,’ he said before noting that the increased reliance on physics was incredibly useful: ‘It was a real help when we did night and rain because we could apply it.’

Forza Motorsport 6 – LMP1
The aim of adding night racing was also to evoke different emotional responses. Night racing under the stadium lights of Yas Marina or Daytona should give a player a sense of the grandeur of the events, Giese said. He contrasted that with Le Mans, where ‘it’s just you and your headlights; ‘I’ve got tunnel vision. I hope I can see the car in front’s brake lights so I can see where the brake markers are.’ Racing in such limited visibility, you should be fearful of what happens when you see and hear a faster car coming up behind you, he said. And no, extra lights will not be available as upgrades to alleviate these fears.
L’objectif de l’ajout de courses de nuit était également d’évoquer différentes réponses émotionnelles. Course de nuit sous les lumières du stade de Yas Marina ou Daytona devrait donner à un joueur un sentiment de la grandeur des événements. Giese said. He contrasted that with Le Mans, where ‘it’s just you and your headlights; ‘I’ve got tunnel vision. I hope I can see the car in front’s brake lights so I can see where the brake markers are.’ Racing in such limited visibility, you should be fearful of what happens when you see and hear a faster car coming up behind you, he said. And no, extra lights will not be available as upgrades to alleviate these fears.

Forza Motorsport 6 – Audi R18 – night
Anyone who’s ever raced at night will be familiar with these sensations. We didn’t play the game enough to see if it also replicates that other aspect of night racing on a dark track, where inadequate lighting couples with track elevation to hide corner apices and clipping points. Racing in these conditions requires a sense of rhythm and a general trust that the course layout remains the same as it was during the day.
Nick Wiswell, the game’s audio lead, showed us some of the improvements his team had made to FM6. There’s a greater attention to detail in background noises, like impact wrenches in the pit lane. The sound of other cars has been made a bit more dynamic, as well; if you park and wait in one spot, you’ll be able to hear the sound of the other 23 cars rise and fall as they get closer or farther away. The sound of rain hitting the roof of your car will vary based on whether that roof is metal, or carbon fiber, or fabric, and driving through puddles gives you sound cues to add to the haptic feedback.
Our talk of FM6’s wet weather at Turn 10’s studios led to a lengthy discussion of just how Forza simulates tires. Tires, as we at Ars delight in telling anyone who’ll listen, are the only bits of a car that actually touch the road (which is why you shouldn’t skimp on them), but they’re also very much a black art, even at the highest levels of motorsport. For previous versions of Forza, Turn 10 collaborated with different tire companies, including Toyo, Michelin, and Pirelli. For FM5, Greenawalt said the studio had to stop using experts and instead become experts themselves.
Turn 10 doesn’t bother programing in ‘zero to sixty’ times for the cars in its games, because the right number almost always emerges from the physics and the simulation. Greenawalt said the same is true for racing in the wet. ‘Any one track might have tens and tens of surfaces, so instead of looking at what a lap time should look like in the rain, we just make sure that the coefficient of friction is correct for all the surface types and the lap time comes,’ he said. ‘Dark and wet (simulation) came out of Turn 10 living in the woods, » Hartman added with a touch of humor.
New cars…

Forza Motorsport 6 – Ford GT
Although we don’t have a complete car or track list yet, we did get an idea of some of the additions that are coming to FM6. Obviously (since it’s the cover star), the new Ford GT is present. ‘ »We knew about the Ford GT before most of the execs at Ford,’ Hartman told us. ‘They began whispering in our ears. John (Wendl, content director at Turn 10) was our first boots on the ground in Detroit,’ he said. Wendl added that ‘it was a year in the making, like visiting a secret bunker.’
Ford GT Behind-the-Scenes with Forza Motorsport 6
Follow Xbox inside the top-secret Ford GT design studio for an insider’s look at the ultimate enthusiast supercar. Join Forza Motorsport design director Dan Greenawalt and the creators of the Ford GT as they prepare for the vehicle’s public debut at the North American International Auto Show and unveil as the Forza Motorsport 6 cover car. Featuring interviews with Raj Nair, VP Product Development; Moray Callum, VP, Design; Chris Svensson, Design Director, The Americas; Amko Leenarts, Interiors Design Director; Kip Ewing, Assistant Chief Engineer; and Henry Ford III, global marketing manager, Ford Performance.
Touring cars also make an appearance, and Porsche will be back, too, although not until 2016—Electronic Arts still has an exclusive license for the German sports car maker until then. Negotiations between Turn 10 and EA are going well, we’re told, evinced a couple of weeks ago by the arrival of a Porsche DLC pack for Forza Horizon 2.
We think more historic cars are coming, too. The difference between street and racing bias ply tires came up while we were talking rubber, and Greenawalt used that as a segue into classic cars. He told us that, despite common assumptions, older vehicles are much harder to simulate than even the most technologically advanced modern supercars with their stability control systems.

Forza Motorsport 6 – Maserati classic car

Forza Motorsport 6 – Jaguar classic car
‘At the end of the day, an electronically controlled system is one we have an inherent advantage at simulating,’ Greenawalt said, ‘because what the system is doing, micropulsing some feedback loop—this many Gs or whatever. We don’t have to micropulse anything. At 360fps we know exactly how many Gs a car is pulling, so we get a shortcut—it’s a cheat. But when you talk about forces building up in a car that’s partially made of wood, partially made of steel, and it’s got some busted welds and it’s flexing,’ he tells us, ‘that’s hard to simulate!’
…new tracks
As for new tracks, Daytona International Speedway is a new addition, and the franchise will return to Rio, a location from the very first Forza Motorsport (although the two tracks share very little, we’re told). Brands Hatch is present, too, something that elicited a yelp of joy from this reporter—the track, just outside of London, was the first track I ever drove on, so it holds a special place in my heart.
Comme pour les nouvelles pistes, Daytona International Speedway est une nouvau ajout, et la franchise sera de retour à Rio, un lieu du tout premier Forza Motorsport (…). Brands Hatch est présente, aussi, ‘something that elicited a yelp of joy from this reporter—the track, just outside of London, was the first track I ever drove on, so it holds a special place in my heart.’

Forza Motorsport 6 – location Rio
Better behaved Drivatars
FM5’s cloud-based AI, called Drivatars, was revolutionary. Using machine learning to teach AI to drive like actual humans gave them real character, meaning that sometimes they could be real jerks, intentionally ramming you as you tried to get to the first corner. Greenawalt is proud of them. ‘I can’t think of another game where the (AI) opponents have created water cooler talk,’ he said, describing it as a social moment in an antisocial, single-player driving experience.
‘John (Wendl)’s Drivatar is a really fast racer, and I always know when he shows up in one of my races. He and I will weave our way together to the front,’ Greenawalt told us. But following a New Year’s Eve party when Wendl’s daughter and friends spent some time playing FM5, Greenawalt found his friend’s AI had completely changed character. ‘I recognized his cars and thought it would be awesome, and then I lost him in the first three corners. I came in to give him shit,’ he said. ‘The character of it had changed, driving dirty as well as slower,’ he said.
Although Greenawalt delights in this social behavior coming out of the game’s AI, not everyone enjoys having to dodge virtual griefers. Plenty of players want their Drivatars to be more professional (us included). This was an easy fix, apparently. ‘In FM6 there’s an override to make that happen,’ Greenawalt said. ‘It takes all the parameters that make up a Drivatar, and takes a couple of them and says, ‘You’re not allowed to do that.’ ‘ You may still get rear-ended by a Drivatar missing its braking point in FM6, but the T-boning and blatantly dirty driving should be a thing of the past.
Turn 10’s Drivatar database is, at this point, pretty huge. Just as Drivatars from FM5 prepopulated Forza Horizon 2 (before being then updated and overwritten for that game), so FM5 and Horizon 2 Drivatars are prepopulating FM6. ‘We take the behaviors that make the most sense for 6’s gameplay (so biased toward 5 but not completely).’ Greenawalt told us.
The granularity of the Drivatar data revealed nuances that Turn 10 has used to tweak FM6’s game play. Greenawalt explains this by comparing it to changing resolutions: if the originals were 480p, now they’re in 720p. Drivatars are also showing emergent behavior; faster drivers are getting faster in human ways, like trail-braking (braking and turning at the same time), or ‘having the back end really wind up and rotate on the way out,’ he said.
Slower drivers are also getting slower in human ways. ‘We have a lot of FM5 and Horizon Drivatars in there right now for the mass population, and they don’t know anything about puddles, but the new Drivatars do,’ Greenawalt told us.’People were doing it, the data captured it,’ he told us. ‘The system wasn’t (just) replaying it, it was machine learning human behavior from the data.’ Consequently, the bell curve of Drivatar ability has spread out over time; the slowest Drivatars are noticeably slower now, and the fastest ones are noticeably faster.
‘It’s fun to watch,’ Hartman interjects. ‘You’ll see a fast Drivatar, you can tell they’re fast, and they take good lines, but they’ll go through a puddle in a way that you think ‘that was a bad idea,’ ‘ Greenawalt said. ‘Those Drivatars trained by us have learned to go around the puddles or take a late apex etc. Now they’re gaining consistency,’ he said. The team obviously loves seeing its system evolve; Greenawalt describes it as a kind of meta-god game; Forza manager, if you will.
Using analytics to refine the experience
‘We see the same types over Motorsport and Horizon,’ Greenawalt told us. ‘There’s an expectation that one group is smaller or larger depending on the population, and you see people who prefer one of the subfranchises over the other, but their motivations aren’t different.’
Different tweaks are aimed at different types of players. For the artistic ones who design new liveries, FM6 will have better accounting of how their files are used, so they can get paid or rewarded in the game. New multiplayer racing leagues (and online spectating) offer the competitors and multiplayers a more focused experience, and (finally!) there’s an option to have a warm-up lap or two before a race starts, so you can get dialed into a track (still no qualifying laps, though).
There are changes to career mode as well, and these will take more than 70 hours to complete, according to Turn 10. That career mode still features Top Gear—it entered into a creative partnership with Turn 10 with FM5—despite the BBC show’s recent trials and tribulations. We can confirm that James May, Richard Hammond, The Stig, and the Top Gear test track will all show up, along with other motoring celebrities and professional racing drivers. Greenawalt explained that the new approach to career mode was about celebrating pockets of motorsport and automotive history. « We’ll show you the different physics (of different eras and types of car),’ he said. ‘It’s semi-linear, but sort of a guided tour.’
‘As you’re driving through (career mode’s backbone), you’ll unlock lots of little vignettes,’ he continued. ‘These are very specific; some are Stig, some are Top Gear, but all of them are hosted by different automotive car-passionate celebrities of sorts—professional drivers and so on. That’s where James and Richard come in. They picked areas of the game they’re passionate about,’ he said.
At this point we wondered if he was talking about challenges that recreate famous moments in motorsport history, like Fangio’s legendary drive at the 1957 German Grand Prix? ‘It’s not quite as specific as, This is lap 7 and you’re six cars behind…’ Greenawalt told us. Rather, ‘it’s the scenario of what it’s like to race prototype race cars on Le Mans in the rain. You’ll work your way up there in the backbone career, but in the first 10 minutes we’ll unlock one of these events, it’s quick, you get in, you get that experience, that visceral thrill, and it’s brought to you by a famous racecar driver or celebrity,’ he said.
The Rivals challenges and the monthly challenges have helped FM5 continue to be popular in an evergreen fashion. ‘These tend to be thematic and on a cycle based on fan requests or with a partner like Ford,’ Greenawalt said, ‘but those speak to the multiplayer and competitor gamer types. The career player is looking for a more guided tour: ‘Tell me what’s great about it, I like cars but don’t know much about (this one); tell me more about pre-war cars or cigar cars. »
‘So here we get to have a famous driver to say, ‘The great thing about cigar cars was they were faster than anyone could ever imagine they would be, but they had no downforce. Downforce was two years away. Now you’re going to try Spa. Eau Rouge, no downforce, bias ply tires. Have fun!’ ‘ he grinned. ‘Hopefully we get this person who likes cars but doesn’t know the history who gets an impression and appreciation for what’s come before.’
You said this was a hands-on
Our schedule with Turn 10 was rather packed, but we did get to play a few demo levels (the same ones the rest of the media will get to see later on at E3). Unfortunately the motion-rig-equipped demo unit had already been shipped off to Los Angeles for the trade show, but the three-screen setup we used was no hardship.
Sebring at night looked suitably dark, and Rio has plenty going on, from a 747 coming in to land and helicopters passing overhead to the crash and spray of waves breaking against a sea wall. Brands Hatch in the wet was a joy—we mentioned our love for this track, right?
The gameplay threw up no surprises; that same immersive experience of cars that handle the way they ought to in real life is present and correct, with plenty of feedback through the controls. About the only thing we can complain about is that FM6’s release date is still 15 weeks away.
At the end of the day, brains slightly cooked by this point, we asked Greenawalt if future versions will have dynamic weather, or dynamic light and dark (something that rivals like Project CARS and GT6 currently offer) for all tracks? ‘Our north star is gamers and car lovers, and we’re looking for experiences to light them up,’ he said. ‘A stable platform and this team means, honestly, anything is possible.’
‘We can challenge (the team) with all sorts of things, and they can solve them with quality, with physics that are intact,’ he said. New versions of Forza aren’t designed by making assumptions based on previous games; instead, the team asks, ‘what would have to be true for this (new concept) to be in there?’ Greenawalt adds that ‘when we get to production phase, measuring and building, the worlds (concepts and modeling) collide. We have this vision, and the team says, ‘And it’s possible if we do it like this,’ to me that’s when it gets really exciting.’ If what we saw is representative of that development process, we think it might get really exciting for gamers, too.
Full text: Forza Motorsport 6: Getting dark and wet in a world-first hands-on –
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MAJ 16 juin 20h50
Forza Motorsport 6: Xbox E3 2015 Briefing
Dan Greenawalt delivers the world gameplay premiere of Forza Motorsport 6 on stage at the 2015 Xbox E3 Briefing including an appearance by Henry Ford III and the all-new Ford GT supercar.
Race over 450 cars in the most beautiful and comprehensive racing game of this generation, exclusively on Xbox One, September 15, 2015.
Source et images :
Microsoft, Xbox, Turn10
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